Sunday, July 3, 2011

Choking - 911 Call

Had a fright tonight when Julia was having dinner. She was almost done and she was playing with 2 plastic spoons in her high chair. I went to wash something in the sink and she suddenly started gagging and coughing really badly. I thought she was choking on something. She was crying hysterically, face bright red. Still coughing. So I started looking at the food that was on the high chair, looking for the spoons. I only saw one spoon. Where's the other spoon? Where? WHERE? So, I thought Julia swallowed the spoon!

I pulled her out of the chair, starting bashing her back to unlodge whatever was stuck in her throat. Still coughing. Got Richard to carry Julia and proceeded to call 9-1-1 to dispatch ambulance. But just before I gave the operator our address, I found the purple spoon. Phewf. So I told the operator that everything is ok. What a scare...

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