Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Leaking Ceiling

Had a late night tonight doing chores and zonked into bed around 1am. Around 4:30am, through my grogginess, I heard a huge "splash" sound, and then some "drip, drip, drip" sounds. I lay in bed thinking "I must be dreaming this. Go back to sleep". Then, I hear louder "DRIP, DRIP, DRIP" sounds and it keeps on plunking away. I sit up, then look at the time. Turn on the lights and stare at the floor. All wet. What the? Then I realize... the ceiling is leaking!!!! ACK!!! I dash out of bed, run into the laundry room, grab 2 buckets and place them below the leaking area. I grab towels, wiping the water off the laminate floors (because Richard keeps on telling me that any water on the floors will RUIN them...) and then another area in the ceiling starts dripping. Great. I run to grab another bucket to stick under that area.

I quickly wipe the floors dry then run upstairs to find out where the water is leaking from. A quick survey indicates the upstairs bathroom sink area. I knock on the inlaws room to wake them. Both MIL and FIL wake up to see what is going on. They turn off the water tap, then start wiping the floor upstairs. I go back downstairs to try to sleep more. It was now 5:30am. Surprisingly, both Richard and Julia slept through the entire episode. Lucky them.


Karen said...

Mommies are always light sleepers. Joy for us. Humpf.

leungv999 said...

I think we learn to be light sleepers, just due to caring for the kids. So sorry to hear that your kiddies are sick right now. Hopefully they get better soon.