Saturday, July 30, 2011

Julia's first swim at Killarney Pool

It was the long weekend and we had fun outings planned for each day. Today, we went to the Killarney swimming pool since it was super hot. We arrived there thinking that the pool would be really busy, but because the weather was so nice, the pool was pretty empty. Good for us!

This is actually Julia's first time in a swimming pool. Julia is used to being showered in the laundry tub so she didn't really know what it felt like to be in a big pool. She wasn't scared though. She loved the water and as soon as she stepped into the pool, she waddled deeper and deeper and deeper until I had to grab her, or else her head would be under the water.

We bought this pool float thingy for kids and it looks like a doughnut ring except there's a seat in the middle. Once you put the child in the seat, they float leisurely in it. Julia enjoyed it, and so did Jasmine. (Jas is too tall for it but she's still very light, only 30lbs, so she was fine in it). We had to alternate putting Jas and Julia in it because they both liked it so much. Having this float thing also allowed Richard and I to have a few minutes (literally) to enjoy the waterslide.

But after about 45 minutes, Julia got a little cold, her lips turned purple and she was shivering so we had to leave. It was a fun day.

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