Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Summer Preschool

Jasmine started summer preschool again this week, after a 2 week break. (we had to register on a weekly basis and I was too late registering her for some of them). Anyways, she started school again this week. Jasmine really likes school.

Since I'm at work during the day, I only hear about preschool from my FIL. I get home on Monday and my FIL tells me that the teacher pulled him aside at the end of class, and told him that Jasmine was being difficult during class. She threw a magnet ball at the wall. Bad girl. But my FIL also informed that balls are meant to be thrown around so Jasmine threw the ball... hmmmmmm. Ok. She got away with that one.

Then on Day 2, my FIL tells me that the teacher pulled him aside again and told him that Jasmine threw a bunch of colored sand onto the floor (rather than playing with the sand in the sandbox). Ikes. What a mess. Bad girl again!

On Day 3, Jasmine apparently blew spit bubbles onto other kids. Makes me wonder - how did she learn that? Even I don't know how to do that. Maybe I should ask her to demonstrate for me. What are we going to do with her? Sigh.

Day 4 - what next? I'll find out tomorrow...

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