Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Rice Milk - no more dairy

After 8 weeks, Julia's face rash is still on full force. With the 2% cortizone cream, the rash can be kept under control but as soon as we stop putting it on, the rash comes back with a vengence. We can't stop using it. Terrible. I am highly suspecting the homo milk being the issue so as of last night, we put Julia on fortified organic rice milk instead of homo milk. Very expensive stuff ($3/ltr) but we'll buy it if it'll help Julia's skin. We are hoping that her rash will clear up on its own after a week (and if it does, this will confirm her milk allergy).

We are not fond of soy milk (estrogen-like), and I do like almond milk but due to Jasmine having a nut allergy, we'll stay away from that for now. Let's hope that we can narrow Julia's allergy issue down.

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