Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hair cut?

It was time for the girls to have hair cuts again. Jasmine's bangs were drooping into her eyes. Julia's side hair is way past her ears. So, since it is Wednesday which is wash-hair-day, we decided to give both girls a hair cut. We bought these small sharp scissors from Daiso which is perfect for cutting/trimming hair. I managed to cut Jasmine's bangs without too much trouble, right after her dinner, when she is enjoying her yogurt stick. She was still sitting in her high chair. No fuss at all! Yay! I think it looks quite good actually. Good Mommy.

As for Julia, she doesn't quite understand the concept of "don't move" yet. Especially when she sees these cool looking scissors, which she thinks is a neat toy. Julia continuously grabs at it every time I go near her face with them. Sharp scissors + grabby baby = not a good match. The last thing I want to do is poke her in the eye or ear with it. So I left the daunting task to Tweet, who happily suggests that he is better at cutting hair anyways. Sure, I say.

So I take Jasmine into the bathroom for her bath, while Daddy goes about his hair cutting duty with Julia. 10 minutes later, I go into the kitchen. Julia's hair cut is all done, says Daddy. "Look". I glance at Julia... OMG! She has no bangs!!! Smile. Poor Julia. She went from having long hair to way-too-short hair. I vaguely remember Jasmine had a similar bad hair cut when she was around 16 months too! What a coincidence. I guess it's not such a bad thing, considering we won't have to cut it again for awhile!


Karen said...

LOL. Now if only I could cut their nails too short as well, so that I don't have to struggle with them over that!

leungv999 said...

I totally know what you mean. We have the worst ordeal when cutting Julia's nails. She screams and cries the entire time we are holding her hand. But it doesn't even hurt!