Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pumping - Once a Day

And it's October already and one more month before mat leave ends. I am now pumping breastmilk once a day. Any additional milk needed will be substituted by formula now.

In September, I started pumping twice a day, down from three times a day. (I yielded 14oz at 2 pumps instead of 20oz at 3 pumps/day). I'm guessing I'll get between 6-7 oz now with 1 pumping session.

Jasmine is growing up fast which makes me happy and sad at the same time. Looking back at all the breastfeeding given to Jasmine, I don't really want it to end. I mean, I'm glad she isn't so dependant on me anymore, but yet I really liked the close feeling of having her next to me (especially in the middle of the night).

Things were so peaceful, just me and Jasmine (and Richard's snoring in the other room... hahaha). Alot of times, she would suck, suck, suck and then stop, because she fell asleep on the breast. Those are fond memories. No pics or videos were taken then. It'll be all in my head now. Sigh, these feelings and thoughts will likely come back to me when Jasmine becomes a Mom herself and she goes through all the things that I did this first year. I miss Jasmine already.


Karen said...

They grow up so fast. We are just not ready for it.

leungv999 said...

Karen, Congratulations to you!!! I just heard that your little one arrived on the weekend. I'll have to pay you a visit with a pot of pasta for your freezer.

I hope you are enjoying your baby.