Wednesday, September 24, 2008

10 months - Cruising Away

Jasmine turned 10 months this week. We don't have a doc appointment scheduled for 10 months so we don't know her weight or length. Here are some other stats:

- crawling and cruising (hanging on to things and walking)
- nods her head to music (musical toys)
- can wave hello and bye-bye
- bangs a plastic hammer on things

Jasmine knows how to show her likes and dislikes now; she will let you know when she is unhappy (like when you take her toy away). It's kind of cute really. Here's a pic of when she REALLY WANTED to play with my cellphone... I think she liked the taste of it. It was kind of gooey once I got it back.

I tried to take a regular 10 month pic but she wanted to play with the paper so I couldn't get a good shot. Anyways, here it is.

And look at her tooth! The second tooth is just peeking out now. You can click on the pic to enlarge. PS - the video of Jasmine crawling is up.

1 comment:

bronwen said...

She's so freakin' cute!!