Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Two Pumps a Day

It's hard to believe that it is already September and that I've been on maternity leave for 10 months. I'll most likely be heading back to work in November and will need to wean Jasmine off breastmilk completely before then.

We've been bottle feeding since June. I was exclusively pumping for a few months and was pumping 4 times a day (amounted to 28oz). Then when I decreased to pumping 3 times a day, the quantity dropped down to 20oz. Today, I am decreasing to 2 pumps a day... not sure how many ounces I am going to get now but since Jasmine isn't drinking much anyways, I guess it's ok. Did I mention that I have a new stash of breastmilk in the fridge now (due to her being sick for 2 weeks)?

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