Friday, October 31, 2008

First Halloween

For Jasmine's first Halloween, we weren't thinking of doing much since she can't walk yet and she can't eat any candy either. But we did dress her up a bit. One of Richard's freinds likes to sew and made her a cute costume (thanks KW) when she was born so I pulled it out to see if it fits, and it was still pretty big. The costume was a pink puppy; it had a body made of fleece/felt material and a hat with eyes, nose, red mouth with ears. Since Jasmine's eczema prevens her from wearing anything except cotton, we only put the hat on. Jasmine really doesn't like having anything on her head but we snapped a picture really quickly before she pulled the hat off.

We trick-or-treated at 3 houses and she managed to get alot of chocolate. It's probably because it was raining and most of the houses on our street kept the lights off. Actually, I knocked on our neighbors door (they had their lights off) but they opened the door anyways. They looked so surprised that we were standing there (I guess they weren't expecting to give out any candy). They didn't have any of those small halloween candies to give they gave Jasmine 2 of those large "donation" chocolate bars (the ones that schools sell to make some $$). Haha, SCORE! I ate them both!!! One of the perks of being a Mama.

Anyways so after Halloween, I was shopping at the mall and found some costumes on sale so I picked one up for Jasmine for next year. She's gonna be a cute little bug...unless I find something cuter as we approach Halloween 2009.


WT said...

So cute!

Karen said...

I agree with wt.
Soooo cute!

Nice score with the chocolate!

leungv999 said...

Thanks Karen for making that cute puppy costume for Jasmine!

Anonymous said...

She looks so cute!