Saturday, October 18, 2008

Loves the Water (video)

I still remember the first couple of months when Jasmine was born and she absolutely hated bathtime. Boy, have things changed. Jasmine loves being in the water now.

Here's a video clip of her bathtime:


Karen said...

I love that video!
Jasmine is soooo cute. I love her giggles.
Megan already loves the water. As soon as you put her in the water, she quiets down right away. Of course that means she will scream bloody murder once you take her out.
Oh well.

leungv999 said...

Hey Karen,

Thanks for the comment. If only Jasmine is cute like that all the time....

Megan is soooo adorable. Maybe next time she will be awake when we visit again. Hope you can soak in all the zzz's right now. The baby will suck all the energy outta you!

By the way, are you guys bathing Megan in a tub or in the sink? Just curious..