Tuesday, October 21, 2008

11 Months - One More Month

Jasmine turned 11 months this week - hooray! Just one more month and she'll be 1 years old. I can't believe how time has flown by. She won't be a baby anymore, she's upgrading to being a toddler! Here are some other stats:

- climbing and cruising
- eating really well
- has 4 teeth

It was challenging to take the 11 month pic today. I was taking snaps of Jasmine in the crib and then remembered I needed "the sign". So I went and got the sign, but had no way of keeping the sign up without Jasmine playing with it. If Richard was home, he'd help with that but he's at work.

Anyways in order to get the 11 month sign up, I was doing acrobatic moves. I had to stick my left leg up and use my toes to keep the sign up, meanwhile balancing my weight on my right leg and still had to focus the camera and make Jasmine look at me all at the same time. Boys and girls, don't try this at home....

Here's Jasmine's 11 Month photo:

On a different topic, Jasmine's cheeks have been red and irritated alot lately. You can see them in the pics above. I've been assuming that her drool is making her skin really sensitive. And because Jasmine likes to suck on her sleep sack when she sleeps (wish that she would suck her thumb instead), the saliva on her sleep sack rubs onto her cheek all night long, and making it even worse when she wakes in the morning. I still hate hydrocortisone cream so I'm staying away from it.

Right now, I'm creaming Jasmine's cheeks every hour. I'm alternating between Aubrey Organics face cream, Jamieson Vitamin E cream (30,000IU) and plain old Vaseline. I use the Aubrey Organics cream mostly, with Vitamin E cream next. Just before a nap and right before bed, I smear on a chunk of Vaseline, to keep her cheeks waterproof at night.

I also put a clean bib on Jasmine every 2 hours. Even when she is sleeping, I put a bib on her so that she sucks on the bib instead of her sleep sack. (the sleep sack gets pretty disgusting in the morning, all wet and stuff). We'll see how things go in a few days.

1 comment:

bronwen said...

Those are great photos! Your acrobatics paid off.