Saturday, May 9, 2015

No More Pumping! Last Bag of Milk

This is it.  I've packed it up.  After 20+ months of sitting next to this pump, I'm finished!  

Good bye dear friend.  You've been a wonderful companion.  You always spent time with me, day and night, whenever I needed to release pressure.  I will remember those nights fondly with your calm wong, wong, wong sound.  Good bye, good bye.  

And we are using up the last of the stored frozen breast milk from the freezer too.  Bag #570 (10 bags of 6oz each in each large bag).  I can't believe the frozen milk lasted us this long.  It's a good thing I guess, save $ on buying rice milk.  

Now that Daidai is drinking rice milk full on, between Daidia and Muimui, they go through a litre of rice milk a day. 

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