Wednesday, November 26, 2008

1 year Shots

We went to the docs office today, so Jasmine can have her one year shots. Ouch! She had 4 needles jabbed into her thigh. Poor Beeps. She was crying so hard. The doc didn't give the shots quickly either, she did them one by one S-L-O-W-L-Y. And after each needle went in, Jasmine was screaming her head off. I felt so bad.

Good thing is, she stopped crying after about 5 minutes. But she refused to sit into her carseat afterwards so I ended up carring her and pushing the car seat buggy thing all the way back to the car. I think she just wanted to be cuddled for a while. Oh yeah, her stats:

- weight 18lb 6 oz (10th %)
- length 29 inches (50th %)
- big head (so big that the doc had to measure it again...)
- can stand solo for 2 seconds
- swaying to music
- loves reading books
- gives high-five
- walks around holding on to one hand (she's a walkaholic)

Jasmine's balance is getting better now. She can actually walk around holding onto only 1 hand, rather than both hands. Because she walks and walks and my back is killing and killing me...I bought this thing called Walking Wings. It's this thing that you put around her waist and under her armpit, and it allows you to hang on to her without bending over. I haven't had a chance to use it yet but I'll give it a try and let you know how it goes.

Jasmine just came up to me, holding her arms out again (please pick me up Mommy...). How can I resist?

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