Thursday, November 10, 2011

Peanut Allergy for Julia

We've been waiting to see the allergist for about 6 months and finally, the appointment date is today! It was an early morning appointment so we gave Julia her morning milk and then got her ready to leave the house.

We got to the doctor's office at 8:20am. This is usually when Julia has her breakfast so we brought lots of cereal snacks and rice cakes for her to munch on when she's hungry. Julia started asking for food around 8:30am so we gave her the container of snacks. Before we even saw the doctor, the container was empty! Julia ate everything in there.

When the doctor walked in, Jules did her usual scared don't-look-at-me face when she sees a stranger. She just freezes on the spot and looks down. It's as if she is thinking, ok if I can't see this person, this person will go away... Haha, kids. They are so funny.

We chatted with the doctor for a while and decided to do prick tests on a few food items, just to see whether the food sensitivities are correct. We tested for peanut, nuts, egg white, egg, yolk, soy, fish, coconut, corn. We should have tested for milk and wheat as well but forgot. The doctor drew little circles on Jules forearms and a little head on top, so it looks like a worm (see photo). Julia had no idea what was going on until the doctor pricked her arm 10 times (2 pricks were control pricks) and she burst into tears. Poor Julia.

As it turns out, all tests came back negative except for peanut. So now, we have to carry two epipens everywhere we go. I'm very skeptical about the results though because I know for sure that Jules reacts to some of the foods we tested. We will be seeing the naturopath tomorrow so we'll see what he has to say about the allergies.

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