Saturday, November 19, 2011

Logan 4th Birthday Party

We celebrated Logan's 4th birthday today, at his new house. There were lots of food, pasta, fruit and cake. The theme this year was.... ANGRY BIRDS! They had both chocolate and vanilla cake, with angry birds on them. All the kids were so excited. Of course, since all the kids played that game, they were all screaming "angry birds, angry birds!"

In one area of the house, there were balloons all over the floor and hanging off of chairs. Julia kept on pulling on the helium balloons and letting go, the balloon bouncing away. Jasmine was running all over the place, kids everywhere. After we left the party, both girls would not let go of the balloon strings.

Thanks Logan for having us over again. We loved playing with all your toys and balloons. Hope we'll be invited over to play again.

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