Saturday, November 12, 2011

Naturopath Allergy Sensitivity

We saw the naturopath today for Julia's food issues. He did a touch testing? which doesn't cause any pain. He had all these food items in tiny vials. This is the est up: Julia is sitting on my lap. My arm is pointed straight out, used as a lever to test the strength of Julia's body. So the doctor would put the vial (food to test) on Jules cheeks and then the doctor pushes down on my arm. From the way my arm reacts (stays up or pushes down), he can find out how Julia's body is reacting to the food.

He found several food items that Julia is senstive to: milk, soy, wheat/gluten, fish and apples. The ones that I was pretty sure she was sensitive to did not show up: egg, potato and corn. Very strange. I guess she can now safely eat these foods. Yay! We'll be back at the naturopath in about a month's time.

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