Thursday, December 9, 2010

Understanding Emotions

Something happened today and I noticed that Jasmine is really, truly growing up. She's starting to understand that other people have feelings, and it's not only about her in this world.

It was dinner time and Jasmine was sitting in her highchair, eating and watching TV. Her feet like to push off on things and it just so happens I was sitting directly across from her. Her feet was pushing off on my shins/knees. For some reason, her feet started pushing harder and harder to the point, it started to hurt. I said to Jasmine, "Ouch. Please stop. You are hurting my legs" (in Chinese). Normally, Jasmine would push harder (to test me) or start screaming to throw a fit. But today, she didn't do this. She just looked at me quietly with a sad face and tears welled up in her eyes. She totally understood that she had hurt Mommy and she felt bad about it! Isn't that terrific?

After some cuddles and kisses, Jasmine was back to being her old self. It's amazing how much a person can develop in one day.


Karen said...

Wow! She is growing up so quick!

leungv999 said...

Hehe, if only she can grow up in other places, such as eating her dinner.