Thursday, December 16, 2010

2 Hours - Meal Times

2 hours - that's how much time we lose at each meal, trying to feed Jasmine. She is a very s-l-o-w eater. She can eat alot, but she just takes a long time to eat everything. She keeps the food in her mouth and leaves the food there. She just sits in her chair. Her mouth doesn't chew at all. Why can't she just chew?

Annoyed, agitated, anger, losing patience... these are some words to describe what I feel while feeding Jasmine for 2 hours. Watching TV doesn't help (she is too engrossed in the TV to chew), giving her time-out after 30 minutes when she still has her first spoonful in her mouth doesn't work, and yelling at her just makes her take even longer to finish (she opens her mouth to cry and doesn't chew). Sheesh!

There's nothing we can do, just wait for her to want to eat. It's funny though, when we offer her favorite foods, she finishes so quickly and asks for a second helping. Her favorite foods include: noodles, pasta, soup, french fries, ice cream. We can only hope that one day, Jasmine will grow up to learn to like eating healthy foods.

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