Sunday, December 19, 2010

10 Months - Julia

Julia is now an unstoppable 10-month old, with massive teething/drooling issues. As soon as we put her on the ground, she starts crawling off to where ever she wants to go, usually heading towards the kitchen table or down the hallway towards the bathroom. She can sit up steadily, pull up into a standing position and knows how to scream at you when she is unhappy.

We go through about 10 bibs a day, as she is constantly drooling non-stop. I can feel her top 2 teeth coming in. Julia loves eating a variety of foods now including apple, banana, pear, carrot, sweet potato, peas, squash, cheese, yogurt, oatmeal and bread chunks. She's still eating purees but we are moving towards chunkier foods.

No check up this month, although she does have to go in for her second set of flu shots. (since we mentioned the flu shot, I am convinced that Julia may have an egg allergy because her face turns all red and hot with rash the 2 times she's had them. More on this topic later).

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