Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Morning - trip to the ER

Something awful happened this Christmas morning. We were heading over to Victoria for a few days so I was in a rush to pack everything and was trying to leave the house to catch the 11am ferry. It was already 10am and we were still loading up the car when I noticed that Jasmine was still in her PJ pants! So I wanted to dash upstairs quickly, grab Jasmine's jeans and then dash back downstairs. Bad mistake.

Jasmine was walking up the stairs slowly with me and stupid me, I thought that it would be quicker if I carried her instead of her walking on her own. I picked Jasmine up and started going up the staircase. I slipped (I was wearing socks, another stupid thing to do in the house) and fell, Jasmine landed face first into the stair case. Jasmine smacked her chin open. Ikes!

Unfortunately, the cut was pretty deep and definitely needed to be stitched up. We drove to the Children's hospital and arrived there by 10:30am. Surprisingly, the ER was not busy and we got in after an hour. I guess most parents don't want to be at the hospital on Christmas morning.

Jasmine was always scared of the hospital, probably from her first experience when she was strapped down to do a head x-ray (when she was 15 months old). It took some convincing for her to sit on the bed and lie down. Good thing we brought her favorite blankie with us. The wound was about 2.5cm and required 5 stitches. I am very thankful that no needle was needed to do the stitches. The nurses used a topical gel on the wound, which took 30 minutes to work and Jasmine didn't feel a thing. Thanks goodness.

Now, we are only waiting for the wound to heal. So sorry Jasmine! Mommy has learned her lessons.

Lesson 1 - don't wear socks in the house
Lesson 2 - don't run up the stairs
Lesson 3 - wake up extra, extra early when traveling so there is no rushing

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