Sunday, May 2, 2010

Bottle Resistance

After 5 weeks of using the bottle with Julia once a day, I thought that we've got things down pat. But suddenly, she's decided that she does not want to use a bottle anymore. She prefers breastfeeding.

Every night now, when Julia sees the bottle, she starts fussing. If we put the bottle into her mouth, she would use her tongue and push the bottle out. She definitely does not like it when Richard feeds her, but is willing to take in 2oz when I feed her. Weird. But that kind of defeats the purpose of the bottle if she will only take it when I am around...because it's easier for me to breastfeed!

Currently trying different things (changing positions, location of the feed, time of the feed...) to see if Julia will take the bottle willingly again. We'll see how it goes.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Nooooooo. Don't regress. Poor mommy!