Saturday, May 29, 2010

Skipping Feeds and Waking at Night

For the past week, Julia has been fussy during her feeds and popping on and off the breast like a yoyo. She'd scream and push me away, then stick her hand or fingers in her mouth. What's going on?

I can't figure out why she is doing this. Maybe she's too tired to eat or maybe it's something that I ate or she's not hungry (even though its been 4 hours since she last ate? She won't take a bottle of milk either so she's missing complete feeds. Then of course, she hasn't taken enough calories during the day and wakes in the middle of the night to feed. Julia used to sleep a solid 8 hours at night (from 8-4am or 9-5am) but she's waking at 2am to eat and then again at 5 or 6am. Mind you, during those night feeds, she eats beautifully, takes in the entire breast and empties them.

I'm really concerned about Julia's weight although she has about 5 wet diapers during the day and poos once every 2 or 3 days. Because of her non-feeding, it's killing my milk supply. First, my breasts become super engorged (because she misses a feeding) and then because the next time the breast is emptied, my body thinks I don't need much milk and makes less of it. What a battle!

To keep my milk supply up, I'm pumping alot (after every feeding), eating oatmeal, drinking barley water, beer and taking fenugreek. It seems to be working with all of these things but so tiring. Hopefully Julia will eat normally again so we can get to other fun things during the day.


Anonymous said...

Hi Vivian,this is Dad.This is 8 or 9 days later,is Julia eating better now?I know it's tough to feed her twice a night.Is she back to normal now?See you guys in about 2 weeks(on Father's day).

Karen said...

Oooolll that is painful. If she doesnt eat, do you pump at that time or wait?
I am so not looking forward to this next 8 months.