Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Keeps Waking Up

Julia is 10.5 weeks and is still not on any daily schedule. She wakes whenever, sleeps whenever, eats whenever. Not quite sure how to train her to be on a schedule, because her naps are so short. She just can't seem to stay asleep for more than an hour. I've read some books that say that babies have a hard time falling back to sleep after they wake from a sleep cycle so they end up crying every 45 minutes to an hour.

This is what Julia's day looks like:

6am - wake/eat
6:20am - sleep
7:45am - wake/play
8:30am - eat
8:45am - sleep
9:45am - wake/play
10:45am - sleep
11:30am - wake/eat
12:30pm - sleep
2:30pm - wake/eat
3pm - sleep
3:30pm - wake/play
....and so on til she konks out around 9:30-10pm.

Terrible, terrible, terrible. As you can see, there is no structure to our day at all, besides the nap in the early afternoon. Even then, Julia keeps waking up and I have to go in and soothe her back to sleep. Sigh.

Dear sleep gods...please help me with this task. If anyone has suggestions, please pass any tips along. Thanks.


Karen said...

Have you tried sleeping with her?
Feeding her in bed before she fully wakes?

leungv999 said...

Thanks for the suggestion Karen. I've never tried sleeping and feeding her in my bed. We've always put Julia into her crib to sleep and I think she's used to it. The few times I did try to creep into bed with her, she didn't sleep at all!