Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sleep 7 Hours Straight

For the first couple of months, Julia has been feeding around the clock every 2 hours or so. Lately, she's feeding more like 2.5 to 3 hours. I'm guessing her stomach is getting bigger so can hold more milk. This translates to more sleep for me at night... yay!

The past 2 nights have been special though; Julia slept 7 hours straight! Wow, now that is what I call progress. She's 9 weeks old now so it's normal for babies to sleep longer at night. I'm thankful for that. Now if only I can get her to be on some sort of wake/feed schedule during the day. We currently put her to bed anywhere from 8:30-10pm, subject to when she feels like taking that last bottle of milk before bed (alot of times, she plays with the bottle rather than drinking it because she prefers breastfeeding).


Karen said...

OMG! I can only hope I am as lucky as you. 7hours straight! I didn't see that with Megan until she was like 7-8 months.

leungv999 said...

I'm soooo glad the first two months have gone by. Initially things were pretty rough but it's gotten a lot better already :-)

Karen said...

So NOT looking forward to the first 6 months. Sigh