Tuesday, April 20, 2010

2 Month Old - Julia

Julia just turned 2 months and we went for Julia's check up today. Here are her stats:

Weight - 12lb 5oz (80 percentile)
Height - 60cm (90 percentile)
Head - 39.5cm (90 percentile)

Julia is very healthy and growing fast. She actually weighs more than Jasmine when Jasmine was 4 months old!!! Julia is already wearing 6 months clothes.

Julia had 3 shots today, all jabbed into her chubby thighs. She cried for 1 minute and then she was done. I put her clothes back on and slid her into her carseat without another peep. What a good girl. Now, it seems like she is super sleepy and hungry... we'll see how the rest of the night goes. Hopefully no fever.

1 comment:

Karen said...

She is growing so quick!