Wednesday, November 26, 2008

1 year Shots

We went to the docs office today, so Jasmine can have her one year shots. Ouch! She had 4 needles jabbed into her thigh. Poor Beeps. She was crying so hard. The doc didn't give the shots quickly either, she did them one by one S-L-O-W-L-Y. And after each needle went in, Jasmine was screaming her head off. I felt so bad.

Good thing is, she stopped crying after about 5 minutes. But she refused to sit into her carseat afterwards so I ended up carring her and pushing the car seat buggy thing all the way back to the car. I think she just wanted to be cuddled for a while. Oh yeah, her stats:

- weight 18lb 6 oz (10th %)
- length 29 inches (50th %)
- big head (so big that the doc had to measure it again...)
- can stand solo for 2 seconds
- swaying to music
- loves reading books
- gives high-five
- walks around holding on to one hand (she's a walkaholic)

Jasmine's balance is getting better now. She can actually walk around holding onto only 1 hand, rather than both hands. Because she walks and walks and my back is killing and killing me...I bought this thing called Walking Wings. It's this thing that you put around her waist and under her armpit, and it allows you to hang on to her without bending over. I haven't had a chance to use it yet but I'll give it a try and let you know how it goes.

Jasmine just came up to me, holding her arms out again (please pick me up Mommy...). How can I resist?

Monday, November 24, 2008

What a party!

Jasmine celebrated her first birthday with some friends on Sunday afternoon. It was a wonderful bash! There were 6 babies in total. We cleared out the basement and layered foamy mats over the floor area and then scattered toys everywhere. Babies were playing and walking around everywhere.

Unfortunately I'm in the process of collecting all the pics from the party right now so I don't want to finish this post just yet. I'll have to update it when I get them all. Come back to this post, ok?

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Jasmine!

Today is Jasmine's birthday; she just turned one years old. Sad, my baby is growing up. She's not a baby anymore; she's a toddler now. Jasmine is having her birthday party this Sunday but I had to celebrate today as well. Here she is, enjoying her first slice of cake:

While we were singing the birthday song, Jasmine was attracted to the bright burning candle and she stuck her finger into it. She only did it for a second, but she started screaming her head off. I guess she burned her little fingers on the hot wax. Poor Jasmine, her first experience with fire wasn't a nice one.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bouncing Bouncing (video)

Ok, so Jasmine found that she can bounce in her crib. She LOVES jumping on her mattress thing. I think she figured it out when she was learning how to get down after standing up in her crib. She would climb up and stand in her crib then fall down on her butt onto the mattress to get down. Sometimes, she would land on her back...and it doesn't hurt! So now she stands in her crib and just bounces around. Take a look at this:

Monday, November 17, 2008

Back to Work - First Day

I went to work today, the first time in 12 months. Wow, it feels really weird, not having baby around. And the funny thing is, right when I walked into the office, it felt as though I never even left the office in the first place. I didn't even call home to check with my FIL to see how things are going. I know that Jasmine is in good hands.

The 8 hours blew by quickly. By the time I got home, Jasmine missed me alot. She held up her hands so that I could pick her up. Mind you, I had to change her dirty diaper first, but hey, I missed that smell all day.... She's sleeping now, so we got some Mom and Dad time. Did I tell you that Jasmine is perfect right now?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Finally, Cold is Over

It took a few days but Jasmine isn't sick anymore. I'm glad it is over, and she didn't pass it to me either....phewf. That's the last thing I want before I head back to work. I am working 2 days a week starting tomorrow.

Just this week, we were having some troubles with Jasmine sleeping again. She's fussy and screams and screams when we put her into bed. Maybe we are putting her to sleep later so she's more tired. Her sleep time was 8pm but we've moved it later to 9pm. It just kinda happened.

I think it was Thursday night when I let her cry to sleep, using the CIO method. It was heartbreaking; I knew I had to do it though. I basically put her into the crib, said goodnight and walked out of the room. I let her cry for 10 minutes and then went back into her room to lie her down (she was standing in the crib), said goodnight and left the room again. And then waited another 10 minutes... after 30 minutes, I checked on her every 15 minutes. I think it took just over an hour before she fell asleep. And then on Friday night, she fell asleep after 20 minutes. Not bad. And on Saturday, Jasmine went to sleep pretty quickly, about 5 minutes.

Not sure why Jasmine backtracked on her sleeping habits, because she was sleeping fine before. She is teething right now so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it. And she got rashes this morning so I must have fed her something she is allergic to. I gotta find out what it is. Squash? Hmmmm.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Drool, Drool, Drool (video)

Alright, as the title suggests, Jasmine is drooling like crazy again. I guess that means teething again. I have a stack of like 20 bibs in her dresser and I'm going through the pile in 2 days. That tells you how much drool is coming out of her mouth.

I can't feel where the next tooth will pop out. Mind you, since she's got 4 teeth now, I DO NOT want to stick my finger in her mouth longer than I have to. My finger has been chomped on a few times already (and it hurt plenty!). I gotta get her a real baby tooth brush soon.

To help with the teething, I bought her a teether that buzzes. When she bites on the teether, it buzzes and gives a funny tingly sensation. Yeah, I tried it out myself. It reminds me of when I am at the dentist getting my teeth drilled in. Jasmine seems to like it.

Here's a video of the buzzing teether. If you turn on the volume to high, you can hear the bzzzz sounds when she bites on it.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Cold is Going Around

The cold has been going around our house for the past couple of weeks. It seems to pass from one person to the next and I was really hoping that Jasmine would not get it. The luck ran out today though. She caught the sniffles yesterday and all day today, she was sneezing like crazy. Now her nose is running non-stop and she's whiny and crying. Not good.

Sure makes feeding her a chore (not that it wasn't before). I have to wipe her mouth and nose constantly. And because of all the wiping, I have to cream her face and nose all the time too. I am going through boxes and boxes of kleenex, sigh.

Poor Beeps...just don't sneeze on me (like in Portland) and give that cold back to me...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Perfect Baby

Over the past few days, Jasmine has gotten back into a normal routine and sleeping through the night. She's eating well, sleeping well and playing well. She loves playing the game peek-a-boo, kicking a soccer ball and reading books. She's learned how to point at stuff with her left hand (her right hand doesn't seem to know how to point yet) and sometimes she'll give me a high-five too. She's perfect!

A couple of things Jasmine forgot how to do is, drinking from a straw cup and waving bye-bye. Either she forgot how to do it or she doesn't want to do these on command. I gotta train her how to do these things again. But all in all, I wish that she can stay as she is right now. I love her to pieces!