Sunday, November 6, 2016

Trip - Taishan Day 3 (video)

Today we visited R's great aunt (R's grandmother's sister) in Taishan and then saw Kaiping 開平, a small city next to Taishan, around a 30  minutes drive away.  Before we move on, here's a pic of R's leg from the day trip into the village yesterday.  Holy crackers!  He was eaten alive!

A very peaceful drive to see the great aunt and some distant cousins.  Being a great hostess, the great aunt wanted to cook some congee for us on her stone stove but we convinced her not to.  They still cooked with fire and wood!  Surprisingly, even though they are quite poor, they had funds to buy laptops, ipad and a video game system. 

After the short visit, we went to a nearby shopping district that had street vendors.  We walked around and ate street food including honey candy on a stick, tofu dessert, grass jelly coconut dessert and others.  We were here for about an hour.

After this, we went to a modern shopping center that has all these kid rides on the outside.  We didn't even go inside the mall and just stayed outside where the kids had great fun.  The adults enjoyed some bubble tea and ice cream.

We went for dinner at a place called Duck City?  The place was huge.  It's sort of like a food fair style restaurant where you can order from different restaurants but you pay for everything at the end of the meal.  I don't know why but at every meal, we order like 12 dishes even though we had 5 adults and 4 kids.  I feel so bad as we end up wasting so much food (there's a fridge but no microwave at the hotel). 

1 comment:

Honey Didi Loving Family said...

Poor Richard! Mosquito magnet. Food looks yummy at Duck City!