Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Trip - Guangzhou Day 2

We spent the next 2 full days in Guangzhou and the relatives took us around sightseeing.  We traveled around via MRT.  Apparently, the fares here are determined by your height.  Both J#2 and J#3 didn't have to pay for the MRT if they are tagging along with someone who is paying.  So every time we went thru the turn thingies into the MRT, we had to either carry them or drag them across with us when we beeped the card.

The first day, we visited the Canton Tower but we didn't go up since we thought it is similar to the Taipei 101.  There was a long walkway along the water which had nice views.

Then we had lunch and checked out Beijing Street (北京路步行街) to shop and eat.  The current street is actually the same street that existed during the Song Dynasty (960-1279)!  There are 2 archeological sites in glass that shows the road underneath.

We walked down an alley way and found this!  A quiet temple in the middle of nowhere.  It was so peaceful inside but once you stepped outside of the gate thing, you are back onto Beijing street with the buzzing noise.  

We tried alot of different snacks here. Here is Tweet showing off his super spicy stinky black tofu. Try saying that 10 times super fast!  It was black!  It was very spicy!  I could only eat one bite and that was it.  After that, we ate dinner at a restaurant and called it a night.

1 comment:

Honey Didi Loving Family said...

Miss all the delicious snacks!