Friday, July 25, 2014

Count Down to 2 Sessions a Day

The countdown begins - only 1 week left before I go back to work.  Kinda excited.  I mean, I`m actually going back to work.  Yay.  I actually get to SEE people.  And TALK to people.  Hmmm.  Feels a bit strange, not being in the office for an entire year.  And my brain is a little foggy, work stuff.  OH, and getting back into my work clothes... challenging.  But I`ll find something to wear.

However, priorities first.  Before I can go anywhere, I need to get my pumping sessions down to twice a day, before and after work.  But the spread between 8 hours to 12 hours is quite a stretch!  So I`ve arranged a schedule to spread out the sessions over a week.

Update - SUCCESS!  It did take an entire week to do it and I STILL got engorged with pain.  There were 3 nights when I woke up and my shirt was soaking wet, leaking milk all over.  The milk production has adjusted and I'm making less milk now.  Phewf.  Now I`m pumping every 12 hours with no discomfort.

Yes, I do feel a little bit bad, that I'm not continuing with the breast milk thing.  But I know that he's gotten 1 year of nutrition from me and the food we feed him will help him grow strong and tall.  I'll still give him whatever amount of milk I'm producing daily until I dry out.  The good part about all this - I'm still producing enough to cover all 3 bottles he's taking each day, in only 2 pumping sessions.

For historic records, here are the daily volumes of milk:
- 5 pumps - 45-50oz
- 4 pumps - 43oz
- 3 pumps - 39oz
- 2 pumps - 26oz
- 1 pump -

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