Thursday, September 22, 2011

More Trouble from Jasmine?

Unfortunately, I receved another phone call from the teacher M today. So who did Jasmine bully today? This time, it involved a few other kids because the teacher pulled 3 other parents together after class for the discussion (so I heard form FIL). So what did these kiddies do? Drum roll.....

They got called on sexual harrassment! Yup. You see, there are these kids washrooms (3 stalls), you know those tiny toilets that are so low to the ground? Anyways, the washrooms only have a cloth door, so kids can open and close them easy. Well, apparently, Jasmine and a few other kids, were pulling those cloth doors open when someone was in there doing their thing! Ai yah. Talk about prompting each other to do bad things. Or is it peer pressure?


Karen said...

Were the other kids older than Jasmine? Definite peer pressure.

leungv999 said...

I think they are all age 4, so only a few months older? Not much age difference, although she's much smaller than the other kids. She's no shrimp though!