Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Discipline Methods

I'm starting to read a discipline book called 1-2-3 magic. Everyone raves about it. Will let you know if it helps with Jas. She is getting better at listening to me. Just last night, when I showered her, she was starting her "I do this, I do that" rant. She wants to do everything herself. But she can't do everything on her own. Power struggle - you listen to me... no, I do it myself. Get in there... no, I do it myself. I go ahead and rip the stupid cloth out of her hand, hang it on the caddy... Jas screams and starts crying histerically, stomping her feet and grabbing the cloth again. I turn off the shower, tell her that it is time to dry off... Jas starts her flailing her arms and legs, putting up a fight. You see, it's VERY hard to pull out a wet 35lb kid from the bath tub when she doesn't want to cooperate. I'm getting old. Can't fight her much longer. No strength.

So - I stop. Bend over and look at her in the eyes. Just trying to see why she is so upset. Jas looks at me, has tears in her eyes. I smile, give her a kiss and tell her in a soft voice. I know you want to keep playing in here but it's time to get out. You can play with those things tomorrow, ok? And she just says ok, then gets out of the tub! Wow, is that amazing or what? I guess she really does understand!


Karen said...

Is it getting better? I think I will need to read that book too. M had several tantrums this weekend. Her favorite saying is "Not yet", when I tell her it is time to go/do something. And then the power struggle starts.

leungv999 said...

Will let you know once I finish the book. It's been 6 weeks and still not done!