Thursday, September 8, 2011

18 Month Shots

I finally took Julia for her 18 month shots today, a little late due to the doctor's office being closed on the summer weekends. I didn't want to take a day off from work to take her into the docs office so I waited until there was a Saturday appointment. Julia's current stats:

weight - 9.72kg / 21.5 lbs, 25% percentile
height - 86 cm, 90% percentile
head - 46cm, 50% percentile

Speaks 20 words:

1) Ye Ye
2) Ma Ma
3) Daddy
4) Mommy
5) ball
6) bless you
7) hello
8) bye
9) wo wo (dog)
10) meow (cat)
11) she she (book)
12) guy guy (go outside)
13) dung (lights)
14) gwo gwo (fruits)
15) mo mo (hat)
16) ngap ngap (duck)
17) jerk jerk (bird)
18) sui sui (water)
19) nai nai (milk)
20) 1-2-3

She had 2 shots jabbed into her thighs this time. I went to the doctor's office alone with Julia today so it was hard to keep her still. Poor Julia, she had no idea the needle was coming. The first needle was finished and Julia didn't even make a peep. It was when the second needle was inserted that she started screaming and kicking... Took about a minute and Julia calmed down, with the help of some crackers. Phewf, another shot done.

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