Monday, September 5, 2011

Kid Scary Moments

Kids do the silliest things. Two funny incidents happened recently, funny to us, but scary to them. These were things that the kiddies did, that got them scared.

1) There is a computer tower in our living room that links to our PVR, which stores all of our TV recordings. The computer tower is placed on the ground so the kids can access it easily. Julia was pushing on all the buttons on the computer tower and nothing happened. Then suddenly, the DVD drawer slides open. She took one look, then ran straight into the couch and dug her head into the couch cushion (like a flamingo?). I went over to pick her up, she started crying hysterically and stared non-stop at the DVD tray. Poor girl.

2) Upstairs in Richard's room, we have a paper shredder. We never turn it on, because we don't have alot of confidential papers. Anyways one day, Richard decided to shred some bank statements. Just as it starts shredding (background guuugnggggggg sound) Jasmine freaks out. She ran from the living room all the way into the kitchen, meanwhile screaming her head off. AHHHHHHHHHHHH! I go into the kitchen to see what is going on. I see Jasmine standing on the far wall, tears streaming down her face. So frightened. I'm guessing she thought the sound was from the TV, the TV blank screen thing? She is sooooo scared of that too.

Poor kiddies. Inherited Mommy's scardy trait.

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