Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Great News! Well Behaved.

What terrific news? I am so proud of Jasmine. Jasmine's preschool teacher called me again today. When I heard her voice, I was thinking, "oh no, what did she do this time?" However, this time, it was good news! The teacher told me that Jasmine behaved very well today. They had a water table activity and they went outside to draw chalk on the sidewalk. Jasmine listened to everything the teacher said and behaved well.

Awesome Jasmine. Mommy is sooo happy. I'm very proud of you!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

More Trouble from Jasmine?

Unfortunately, I receved another phone call from the teacher M today. So who did Jasmine bully today? This time, it involved a few other kids because the teacher pulled 3 other parents together after class for the discussion (so I heard form FIL). So what did these kiddies do? Drum roll.....

They got called on sexual harrassment! Yup. You see, there are these kids washrooms (3 stalls), you know those tiny toilets that are so low to the ground? Anyways, the washrooms only have a cloth door, so kids can open and close them easy. Well, apparently, Jasmine and a few other kids, were pulling those cloth doors open when someone was in there doing their thing! Ai yah. Talk about prompting each other to do bad things. Or is it peer pressure?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Discipline Methods

I'm starting to read a discipline book called 1-2-3 magic. Everyone raves about it. Will let you know if it helps with Jas. She is getting better at listening to me. Just last night, when I showered her, she was starting her "I do this, I do that" rant. She wants to do everything herself. But she can't do everything on her own. Power struggle - you listen to me... no, I do it myself. Get in there... no, I do it myself. I go ahead and rip the stupid cloth out of her hand, hang it on the caddy... Jas screams and starts crying histerically, stomping her feet and grabbing the cloth again. I turn off the shower, tell her that it is time to dry off... Jas starts her flailing her arms and legs, putting up a fight. You see, it's VERY hard to pull out a wet 35lb kid from the bath tub when she doesn't want to cooperate. I'm getting old. Can't fight her much longer. No strength.

So - I stop. Bend over and look at her in the eyes. Just trying to see why she is so upset. Jas looks at me, has tears in her eyes. I smile, give her a kiss and tell her in a soft voice. I know you want to keep playing in here but it's time to get out. You can play with those things tomorrow, ok? And she just says ok, then gets out of the tub! Wow, is that amazing or what? I guess she really does understand!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Here Comes Trouble - Jasmine

Last ThursdayIt was a normal day until out of the blue, Jasmine's preschool teacher (M) called me on my cell phone today. The call started with M telling me that Jasmine has matured alot over the past 6 months. She's listening more and paying attention and playing well with others. I'm thinking, ok. So why are you calling me for?

Then the teacher informs that Jasmine got into trouble today though. Apparently, Beeps stood on top of the table in the Science corner, where the fish tank was. She was on the table and wouldn't get off, even when the teacher asked her to. And then, Jasmine proceeded to throw stuff off that table! Errrggggg.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Granny Turns 100 this year!

Every year, our Granny celebrates her birthday with a family dinner, and includes all of our extended family. This year, she is turning 100! For this important event, our immediate LEUNG family decided to get some professional photos done with Granny. Winnie arranged with her photographer to have this done one weekend in Vancouver (thanks Win!). He did an amazing job. Check these pictures out:

Thursday, September 8, 2011

18 Month Shots

I finally took Julia for her 18 month shots today, a little late due to the doctor's office being closed on the summer weekends. I didn't want to take a day off from work to take her into the docs office so I waited until there was a Saturday appointment. Julia's current stats:

weight - 9.72kg / 21.5 lbs, 25% percentile
height - 86 cm, 90% percentile
head - 46cm, 50% percentile

Speaks 20 words:

1) Ye Ye
2) Ma Ma
3) Daddy
4) Mommy
5) ball
6) bless you
7) hello
8) bye
9) wo wo (dog)
10) meow (cat)
11) she she (book)
12) guy guy (go outside)
13) dung (lights)
14) gwo gwo (fruits)
15) mo mo (hat)
16) ngap ngap (duck)
17) jerk jerk (bird)
18) sui sui (water)
19) nai nai (milk)
20) 1-2-3

She had 2 shots jabbed into her thighs this time. I went to the doctor's office alone with Julia today so it was hard to keep her still. Poor Julia, she had no idea the needle was coming. The first needle was finished and Julia didn't even make a peep. It was when the second needle was inserted that she started screaming and kicking... Took about a minute and Julia calmed down, with the help of some crackers. Phewf, another shot done.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Julia Ball Dance (video)

A short video of Julia while she was playing with the musical kaleidoscope toy while sliding around on the ball.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Kid Scary Moments

Kids do the silliest things. Two funny incidents happened recently, funny to us, but scary to them. These were things that the kiddies did, that got them scared.

1) There is a computer tower in our living room that links to our PVR, which stores all of our TV recordings. The computer tower is placed on the ground so the kids can access it easily. Julia was pushing on all the buttons on the computer tower and nothing happened. Then suddenly, the DVD drawer slides open. She took one look, then ran straight into the couch and dug her head into the couch cushion (like a flamingo?). I went over to pick her up, she started crying hysterically and stared non-stop at the DVD tray. Poor girl.

2) Upstairs in Richard's room, we have a paper shredder. We never turn it on, because we don't have alot of confidential papers. Anyways one day, Richard decided to shred some bank statements. Just as it starts shredding (background guuugnggggggg sound) Jasmine freaks out. She ran from the living room all the way into the kitchen, meanwhile screaming her head off. AHHHHHHHHHHHH! I go into the kitchen to see what is going on. I see Jasmine standing on the far wall, tears streaming down her face. So frightened. I'm guessing she thought the sound was from the TV, the TV blank screen thing? She is sooooo scared of that too.

Poor kiddies. Inherited Mommy's scardy trait.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Julia Bouncy Horse (video)

We had a small get-together at John and Cheryl's place this afternoon. There were 4 families and a total of 7 kids running around the house. Quite a pack. It was really neat, because the adults were able to sit around and chat while the kids were busy playing with all the toys. Boy, were there lots of toys everywhere! Thanks Cheryl and John! We have to come by more often!

Here is a video of Julia on a bouncy horse: