Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hawaii Day 10 - Last Day, Richard's Birthday and Kailua Beach (video)

Today is the final day in Hawaii; we'll be boarding our plane back to Vancouver tonight. Because our flight is at 9pm, we have an entire day to enjoy. The owner of the house rental was nice enough to allow us to check out as late as we wanted. To take advantage of this, we wanted to head to a beach close by and then come back to shower, clean up, do laundry and pack up.

We decided to go to Kailua beach, a 5-minute drive from the rental house. To our surprise, this beach was the nicest one we went to on our entire vacation. This beach had a parking lot, nice sandy beach area, not crowded, washrooms and showers and natural shade so you didn't need to bring an umbrella.

Both Julia and Jasmine loved being in the water and playing in the sand. Jasmine almost fell over from a strong wave pushing her! In this video, you can hear Jasmine reciting a poem from one of her favorite books: Out and About.

Note - it is Richard's birthday today so I had to be extra nice to him (not that I'm not nice to him usually). We will celebrate his birthday again once we get back to Vancouver.

Our flight home was a red-eye flight leaving at 9pm and arriving at 5am. When we boarded the plane, we were happy to find out that the middle seat between Richard and me was left empty (so now we have more space). Julia did fall asleep on the plane ride home and we were able to put her down in the empty seat when there was no turbulence (when there is turbulence, I had to carry her in my arms). The below pic was taken at 4am:

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