Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween - Trick or Treat, and Capilano Bridge

For Halloween this year, we decided to head over to Brentwood Mall for trick or treating. Jasmine has been practicing saying "Trick or Treat" for the past 2 weeks and was ready to make use of all her efforts.

It was a zoo at the mall, with probably over 500 kids trying to get candies. Although trick or treating time is only for an hour, many of the stores ran out of candy before it ended. We weren't too disappointed though, since we don't want Jasmine to be eating so much junk anyways. Besides, Julia is one of the nicest sisters ever, letting Jasmine have all of her candies too.

We took some pictures of Jasmine and Julia in their costumes before we left the house. Jasmine was a dragon and Julia was a lamb:

We also visited Capilano Bridge, where they decorated the entire park up for the Halloween spirit. We had annual passes so we made this a family outing. There were tons of pumpkins as well as a band playing. Jasmine was dancing and jumping to the music.

It was all fun until:

1)Jasmine had to use the potty. It was an entire ordeal just getting Jasmine to the toilet, getting everything set up and then she tells me she doesn't have to pee. Sigh

2) Richard thought he lost his wedding band. By the time he told me, we had already walked the entire park so we had to trace back our footsteps and look everywhere! After searching for half an hour, Richard then remembers that he didn't wear his ring out that day. He called home and asked his Dad to check if his ring was at home. And it was. Relief!

Anyways, that ruined the mood for anything else we wanted to do that day so we went home. Mind you, I was pretty much out of energy anyways, lugging the two kids around so I was happy to drive home. What a day.

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