Monday, November 29, 2010

9 Months - Julia

Julia is now 9 months old (a week ago). Because Jasmine and Julia were sick for the past 2 weeks, we delayed doing Julia's check up this month until today. Julia and Richard both had their flu shots today. These are Julia's 9-month stats:

Weight - 16lb 8oz (20th percentile)
Height - 73cm (85th percentile)
Head - 44cm (50th percentile)

Currently Julia is sort of on a schedule but she still doesn't eat alot. Her schedule looks like this:

8am - wake, 5oz bottle
10am - nap (1.5 hours)
11:30am - 1oz cereal with fruit puree
12:30pm - 5oz bottle
2pm - some bread or puffs
2:30pm - nap (1.5 hours)
4:30pm - 5oz bottle
5:30pm - 1oz meat with veggie, 1oz fruit puree
7:30pm - 7oz bottle then bed

As you can see, Julia really doesn't eat that much solid food yet and she doesn't drink that much milk (sometimes she doesnt' even finish the bottle). Unfortunately, the doc told me that Julia is underweight so we'll have to keep on offering food to her every 2 hours. I mean, I offer her food all the time, but she just doesn't eat that much of it. How do you make a baby open her mouth when she just clamps it shut?

I'm very lucky in terms of Julia sleeping through the night and taking her naps during the day. It is only recently that Julia sleeps 1.5 hours during the day. It probably corresponds to her being more active now. She's not quite crawling but she's really, really close. She sure helps Mom clean the floor nicely, by first drooling and then dragging her body on the floor. Thanks Julia!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Benjamin is catching up to Julia's weight fast. At least your arms aren't breaking yet. I think by the time Benjamin is 9 months, my arms will either have fallen off, or be like weight lifters.
Megan was like Julia weight wise. She was in the 10th percentile. She liked to eat solids, but just couldn't gain the weight.