Saturday, August 7, 2010

US Trip and then Peanut Allergy Attack

We took a short driving trip down to Seattle today. It was Julia's first time out of the country! Too bad we didn't take any pictures of her during the trip though. Richard and I were both so occupied with keeping Jasmine safe (preventing Jasmine running into the street) and Julia entertained (I had to carry her the entire time).

Even though the trip was only 6 hours long, it felt like an eternity. I swear, in the 6 hours, 3 hours was used to take care of the kids, 1.5 hours used for driving and 1.5 hours used for shopping. It was a successful trip nevertheless (we managed to buy $100 worth of goods), but so tiring. I don't think we will travel anywhere, anytime soon.

As we were driving back to Vancouver, we gave Jasmine a a fruit/nut bar to eat as a snack. Once we got home, we fed Jasmine her dinner, as usual. But immediately after dinner (after we let Jasmine out of her high chair), she started to scratch her body ferociously. She started getting tiny welts all over her body, then the rashes started to spread. PANIC.

What is happening? She is having an allergic reaction to something. Was there egg in her dinner? No. Did she eat something with peanuts? No., maybe. Check the label! As it happens, the fruit/nut bar had peanuts in it! YIKES! So, we check Jasmine for any breathing issues. She seems to be breathing fine. Her rashes now spreading around her neck and face. We rush her down to the Children's Hospital Emergency.

We arrive at the Emergency around 9pm and was admitted within 30 minutes. (the last time when Jasmine bonked her head, we waited 8 hours). The doc checked her vitals, asked questions and then gave her some liquid Benadryl and a popsicle. Then Jasmine was released to go home. By the time we got home, the rashes were subsiding.

What a long day. We'll have to be extra careful when giving Jasmine any type of food to eat. Many foods contain traces of egg or peanuts in them and she may react badly to all of these foods.

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