Tuesday, August 24, 2010

6 Months - First Solids

Julia turned 6 months a few days ago but we didn't get to see the doctor until today. Julia had her usual shots and had her measurements taken. Her stats are:

Weight - 14lb 15oz (30 percentile)
Height - 66.5cm (60 percentile)
Head - 42cm (30 percentile)

Looks like she dropped quite a few ranks since her 4 month check up but the doctor wasn't concerned. I was informed that asian babies are usually smaller than the statistics. Also, she had that nursing strike a while back which could contribute to her low weight gain.

Julia started eating baby cereal last week, although most of it ends up on the table and her bib rather in her stomach. I have a inkling feeling that Julia isn't much of an eater (just like Jasmine) and it'll be a while before she eats real food.

1 comment:

Karen said...

30th percentile for weight is still good. Megan was in the 8th percentile. Don't know how she became such a light weight. But Julia could be like you. A light weight.