Friday, August 27, 2010

Teething, Flipping Over, Feeding Troubles

Last night was terrible. I slept maybe 1.5 hours? Maybe... And the entire house listened to Julia scream her head off for about 2 hours I think. Julia is currently teething (her first tooth poked through the surface) making feeding difficult and she's trying to master rolling over as well.

Because her first tooth just popped out (can see a tiny white spec on her bottom left gum) when she feeds, I guess it hurts her. She opens her mouth wide to grab the breast and then as soon as she sucks, she pops off and starts to cry. She's hungry so she grabs the breast again and then pops off again and cries. When she does feed, she'll only eat very little, just enough so she is not starving. Sigh. She's not feeding well at all. My milk supply is starting to dwindle again.

Julia is really good at rolling from her back to her chest but she doesn't know how to roll from her chest back onto her back. That's a problem. When she tries to sleep, she rolls onto her chest constantly resulting in screaming all through the night until someone rushes in to rescue her (I'm her hero). She does this all the time. Seriously. I'm dashing into her room constantly. I have bad sleep, her sleep and everyone upstairs has bad sleep too.

Personally, I don't remember Jasmine having this difficult of time when she was teething and rolling over but I guess we just have to put up with it until it passes.


Karen said...

Have you thought about putting a rolled up towel on either side of her so that she can't roll at night? Just around her body, not her face.

leungv999 said...

Great idea! She sleeps in a sleepsack so it's hard to corner her both sides butwe can try that.