Monday, August 9, 2010

Jump Jump Jumperoo (video)

When Jasmine was an infant, at the stage before she could crawl, she loved sitting in the exersaucer and jumperoo. She loved it because she could sit up, look all around, see where all the adults are and of course play with the toys on them.

Now that Julia is 5 months and has a strong neck, we took out the old exersaucer from storage and set it up in the living room. We also bought another jumperoo for her (sold the old one because we had no space to store it). Julia doesn't seem too keen on playing with the toys on these yet (too advanced for her) but she loves jumping on this thing. Boing, boing, boing.

Here are two videos of the girls in the jumperoo. One is Julia bouncing away in it and the other is Jasmine in it (yes I know, she is wayyy too big for it).

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