Tuesday, March 16, 2010

No More Naps - Jasmine Says

For the past 1.5 weeks, we put Jasmine down for her nap in the afternoon but she would play with her toys inside her crib instead. She doesn't sleep. By late afternoon, she would become cranky, throw tantrums,become very clumsy (trip and fall alot) and just isn't her nice self. And by dinner time, she would be so tired...so tired that she falls asleep in her highchair. This happened a few times already.

Now we are skipping her nap entirely to see if this is what her body can handle. We'll find out if she can continue this way.

1 comment:

Karen said...

hahahaha. I love the way she can fall asleep in a chair. Megan would never do that. When does she wake up in the mornings? And what time does she go to sleep at night?