Sunday, March 14, 2010

Diaper Rash - Getting better

A quick update on Julia's diaper rash. The Penaten cream doesn't work very well, it seems to wipe off really easily onto the diaper and doesn't protect the skin. Our cousin suggested using Desitin instead (thanks Wrency). We've been using Desitin for the past few days and it looks like the diaper is going away although the red dots come and go. Not sure what is causing the dots to show up; I'm thinking she may be sensitive to something I'm eating. Perhaps the orange juice I'm drinking? I really hope she is not allergic to any foods...

Then I read up that some doctors suggest using Maalox or Mylanta, the antacids for stomach indigestion. Supposedly, you use a cotton ball and soak some Maalox and then wipe the diaper area with it and then put Desitin on afterwars. The Maalox will help counter the acid in the feces and urine...makes sense. Haven't tried it but I think I'll buy some if the rash doesn't completely go away by next weekend.

Funnily enough, Jasmine NEVER had a diaper rash.

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