Sunday, January 18, 2009

No More Bottle

I noticed something funny today while washing Jasmine's bottle. We use Born Free bottles, which has extra discs and valves to help with the pressure inside the bottle.

The bottle nipple was ripped in the middle. All the nipples were ripped...weird. How did that happen? Was I washing the nipples too hard? No, I don't think so. Maybe the hot water was melting the plastic. No, that's not it (since we have to sterilize everything in boiling water so that can't be it).

What could it be? Hmmmm. Then Richard pointed out that when we give her milk, Jasmine is really slow in drinking it and likes to "mouth" on the nipple. Now thinking about it, we think Jasmine is biting it. Bad girl. We really don't want to buy new nipples (expensive, 2 for $10) and then have Jasmine chew it up again, so we've decided to stop giving the bottle completely.

So now, rather than phasing the bottle out slowly, we are using a regular cup to give Jasmine milk all the time. She doesn't like it much but I'm sure she'll get the hang of it soon.

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