Thursday, January 22, 2009

Earlier Bedtime

I feel like a zombie. I can't believe Jasmine woke up 3 times last night. Sigh. She woke up at 1:15am, 2:45am and then 5am. She wakes up screaming her head off, like she's having nightmares or something. Her day still starts at 5am.

We tried making Jasmine's bed time a little later, but that hasn't helped with Jasmine's early morning waking. We are going to try a different technique that I read up on, to make the bed time earlier.

It's weird. You would think that if you move the bed time earlier, the baby would wake up earlier as well. But apparently, that's not the case. Supposedly, if you move the bed time earlier, it can help reset the internal clock and actually make the baby sleep longer. Hmmmmm.

Anyhow, we are moving Jasmine's bedtime earlier, to 7:15pm. Hopefully this will help us. Please feel free to post up any suggestions.

1 comment:

Karen said...

I feel your pain!
Megan is still waking twice a night, but at least it is better than before!