Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Rubbermaid Drink Container

Jasmine has been using either a cup or a Rubbermaid drink box to drink her milk. We found that she really loves the Rubbermaid drink box. It's a small plastic container with a hard spout that you can flip out. When we hand her the drink box, she grabs it immediately and starts drinking from it. And she always finishes the entire thing. It's a relief to finally find something she can use.

Here she is:

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Earlier Bedtime

I feel like a zombie. I can't believe Jasmine woke up 3 times last night. Sigh. She woke up at 1:15am, 2:45am and then 5am. She wakes up screaming her head off, like she's having nightmares or something. Her day still starts at 5am.

We tried making Jasmine's bed time a little later, but that hasn't helped with Jasmine's early morning waking. We are going to try a different technique that I read up on, to make the bed time earlier.

It's weird. You would think that if you move the bed time earlier, the baby would wake up earlier as well. But apparently, that's not the case. Supposedly, if you move the bed time earlier, it can help reset the internal clock and actually make the baby sleep longer. Hmmmmm.

Anyhow, we are moving Jasmine's bedtime earlier, to 7:15pm. Hopefully this will help us. Please feel free to post up any suggestions.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Loves to Bite

Jasmine is still drooling alot, and recently, she's biting on everything in sight. She bites on her toys, shoes, bib, zipper, toes, my shoulder... And guess what? She still only has 4 teeth!!! I can see she's got a bulge on the top left side of her gums so it's coming, just taking it's time though.

Sad thing is, Jasmine won't eat. She eats very little solids and she won't drink her milk either. She's basically surviving on about 15oz of food/liquid a day. I'm so worried. Any Mom's out there have any advice?

I took the below pic when Jasmine was playing in the living room. I put a diaper on her head when she was playing. She was so engrossed with her toy that she didn't realize that it was there. I couldn't stop laughing. Just as I grabbed for the camera, she felt the diaper and pulled it off.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

No More Bottle

I noticed something funny today while washing Jasmine's bottle. We use Born Free bottles, which has extra discs and valves to help with the pressure inside the bottle.

The bottle nipple was ripped in the middle. All the nipples were ripped...weird. How did that happen? Was I washing the nipples too hard? No, I don't think so. Maybe the hot water was melting the plastic. No, that's not it (since we have to sterilize everything in boiling water so that can't be it).

What could it be? Hmmmm. Then Richard pointed out that when we give her milk, Jasmine is really slow in drinking it and likes to "mouth" on the nipple. Now thinking about it, we think Jasmine is biting it. Bad girl. We really don't want to buy new nipples (expensive, 2 for $10) and then have Jasmine chew it up again, so we've decided to stop giving the bottle completely.

So now, rather than phasing the bottle out slowly, we are using a regular cup to give Jasmine milk all the time. She doesn't like it much but I'm sure she'll get the hang of it soon.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Later Bedtime

Jasmine is still waking up really early in the morning. Richard has resorted back to sleeping in his room upstairs so that he can rest up for work.

What we are doing now is trying to put Jasmine to bed a little later at night (around 9pm) hoping that she will sleep in a bit longer in the morning. So far, it hasn't helped; Jasmine is still waking at 5am in the morning. We will try for a week and see what happens.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Work Life

Over the past couple of months, I've rejoined the workforce on a part-time basis. I'm working 2 days a week. When I'm at work, my Father-In-Law (FIL) takes care of Jasmine and spends the day with her. I am so thankful to have him take on this duty, as I know how much work it is.

It's been hard to juggle my work like and personal life recently. I've been applying for full-time positions and going to interviews and working - I hardly have any time to do anything. I haven't had much time to take pics or video clips of Jasmine. This is my own excuse for not having anything interesting to post up... so please bare with me. I promise to try harder.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Wake Up Time

Jasmine has been sleeping really well for....I don't know....quite some time. She would sleep at 8pm and then wake around 7am or so. But ever since she started walking, she's been waking at 5am or sometimes even 4:30am in the morning. This has been going on for a couple of weeks now. Oooohhhhh. I dread waking in the morning.

Right now, Richard and I share the responsibility of taking care of Jasmine. Our schedule looks like this:

- Vivian wakes in the morning at 5am (whenever Jasmine wakes). Stay up til 8am or so until Jasmine naps. Vivian goes for a nap.
- Richard wakes when Jasmine wakes from her nap which can range from 45 minutes to 2 hours after she takes her nap.
- or vice versa.

Basically, Richard and I are on shift work and rotate. Sad. Not much of life for the both of us but it works and we get through the day. We don't do much on the weekends except to go shopping and buy the necessities.

I'm trying a few techniques to see if I can get Jasmine to sleep in a bit later. I'll update as we go.