Sunday, December 28, 2008

Jasmine's First Steps (video)

Jasmine woke up super early this morning, at 5:45am. Yawn, wished that she'd stay in bed and sleep in sometimes. I guess she had a feeling that she will be accomplishing a tremendous task today so she wanted to get up early.

Well after eating breakfast, Jasmine wanted to do her rounds and walk around in the basement. She was holding onto my left finger (as usual) and then suddenly, she let go. And then she walked 5 steps right up to the wall. Wow, I was thinking to myself, that's gotta be a fluke. So I picked her up and walked back into the living room area and then started to walk her again. She did it again. Another 5 steps.

I guess that's it. She's started walking now. And all throughout today, she was walking here and there on her own. I was following closely behind her in case she lost her balance and fell over (which did happen). She's taken probably over 100 steps today, walking all over the house, from the living room to the kitchen and from my room to her room.

Check out the video of Jasmine's first steps:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's so wonderful. Now you can teach Adyson. You must be proud. :)