Friday, December 19, 2008

Is she going to be a Dentist?

I've always wondered...when parents have kids, what do they want the kids to be when they grow up? I'm thinking that right now, about Jasmine. Hmmmmmm.

About a month ago, I was just fooling around and decided to play a game we have in Chinese. It's where you spread out a bunch of items on a table that represents different professions. And then you let the baby choose what he or she wants. The first item she picks up will represent what profession she will be in the future.

For Jasmine, I picked the following items (from right to left):

- crayons (artist)
- medicine (doctor)
- pen (writer)
- USB (computer geek)
- toothbrush (dentist)
- guitar (musician)
- chopstick (chef)
- MJ tile (gambler)

And I let Jasmine pick. She picked the toothbrush!!! Looks like we got a dentist in the family.

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