Wednesday, September 24, 2008

10 months - Cruising Away

Jasmine turned 10 months this week. We don't have a doc appointment scheduled for 10 months so we don't know her weight or length. Here are some other stats:

- crawling and cruising (hanging on to things and walking)
- nods her head to music (musical toys)
- can wave hello and bye-bye
- bangs a plastic hammer on things

Jasmine knows how to show her likes and dislikes now; she will let you know when she is unhappy (like when you take her toy away). It's kind of cute really. Here's a pic of when she REALLY WANTED to play with my cellphone... I think she liked the taste of it. It was kind of gooey once I got it back.

I tried to take a regular 10 month pic but she wanted to play with the paper so I couldn't get a good shot. Anyways, here it is.

And look at her tooth! The second tooth is just peeking out now. You can click on the pic to enlarge. PS - the video of Jasmine crawling is up.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Oh No - Darned Cold

Poor Jasmine... she's caught a cold now... why, why, why? Can't seem to keep the sickness away. She keeps on sneezing and she's got a runny nose. Luckily no temperature. Richard was sick a few days ago so I think he passed it to her. Bad Daddy! Gotta keep all the sick people away from her!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Shoes

I went shopping the other day and walked by some baby stuff (I'm always looking for cute and cheap items). Jasmine loves to walk so to protect her litty bitty feet, I had to get her some shoes. There are so many types, which ones? I hear that the hard soled shoes are not good for infants/toddlers since they are just learnign to walk and it does something to their arches so I opted to get her some soft shoes. So soft soled shoes, now which brand? Here are some that I saw:

- Robeez - $35
- Sears Baby - $20
- Bundle of Joy - $15
- Carters - $12

I did not realize how expensive baby shoes costs. I looked at them all and decided to buy 2
pairs and try them out; I bought Sears Baby and Robeez. Jasmine hasn't worn them much yet but they look so adorable. These are the ones I got.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I can Crawl (video)

Jasmine loves crawling backwards and around in circles but recently, she took steps forwards. She was trying to play with Daddy's toys and was chasing after the remote. Hooray! I'm so proud of her. I was starting to worry when I saw other younger babies already crawling when Jasmine is still going backwards. I guess it will happen in time.

Jasmine also loves walking all over the place too, with the help of some balance of course. You will see me walking around the house, holding her up under the armpit. Then after 10 minutes, I gotta stop because of an aching back from bending over for too long. I can picture her in a couple of months wandering around in the house. She is so cute, like a doll.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It's Roseola...

After a few days of misery, Jasmine's fever finally went down. But just as I thought everything is ok, while I was dressing her after her bath today, I saw that she had little pink dots all over her body! Eeeekkkkk..... The rash covered her whole torso, her neck and face.

I took her to the doc'c office and was told she has roseola which is a harmless virus. Roseola is characterized by a fever for 3-4 days and then a rash that breaks out after the fever is down. It's a way for the body to get rid of the bad bug. About 1/3 of infants between 6 months and 2 years get roseola. I guess it looks worse than it is. The rash isn't itchy and doesn't seem to bother Jasmine at all. It just looks...well...ugly. Sigh.

I hope the rash goes away in the next couple of days. She is going to a wedding on the weekend.

Monday, September 8, 2008

High Fever

Looks like Jasmine caught something again. She had a fever of 38.6 C last night and it's a persistent 38.7 C tonight. She seems to be alert when awake but refusing to drink any liquids (breast milk or juice). She will happily eat yogurt with apple sauce though so I'm pretty much offering that to her all day.

She is sleeping soundly right now. We'll see if the fever lets up tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Tooth!

Jasmine's first little tooth popped up finally. It's on her bottom gum, on the left hand side. What an ordeal it is to cut teeth! Jasmine is back to normal, eating and drinking everything we give her. She can actually eat alot. Look at her current eat schedule:

7am - wake up and 3oz bottle
8:30am - 2oz cereal and 2oz fruit
11am - 5oz bottle
12:30pm - 2oz veggie, 1oz meat, 1oz fruit and 2oz yogurt
3:30pm - 5 oz bottle
5pm - 2oz veggie, 1oz meat, 1oz fruit and 2oz yogurt
7:30pm - 5oz bottle

Now, if only we can get her to sleep more, a much needed item for a happy baby...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Two Pumps a Day

It's hard to believe that it is already September and that I've been on maternity leave for 10 months. I'll most likely be heading back to work in November and will need to wean Jasmine off breastmilk completely before then.

We've been bottle feeding since June. I was exclusively pumping for a few months and was pumping 4 times a day (amounted to 28oz). Then when I decreased to pumping 3 times a day, the quantity dropped down to 20oz. Today, I am decreasing to 2 pumps a day... not sure how many ounces I am going to get now but since Jasmine isn't drinking much anyways, I guess it's ok. Did I mention that I have a new stash of breastmilk in the fridge now (due to her being sick for 2 weeks)?